The Surfing Realtor’s 2010 Indo Surf Adventure
Come travel with Buz Moffett to the magical islands of Indonesia. Buz has been traveling to “Indo” for over 20 years and has surfed many great spots. Hope you enjoy the ride… In this journey we follow Buz and “Da Boyz” on another, 35 day epic adventure….. Mahalo for joining us.
Day One
Huge fire at Maalaea closed the road to the airport the day before Jesse (my now 16 year old son) and I were scheduled to leave for Indonesia. We made a snap decision and jumped on a prop plane from the Kapalua airport (only option when the road is closed) and flew to Honolulu.
My Dad picked us up and being that we only had a small suitcase, two back packs and Jesse’s new 5’10” that he got for his 16th birthday we all fit in his Lexus hahaha. We dropped our gear at his place and picked up Carol (my step mom) and headed out to dinner at a local Chinese place that has great food. My brother Joel and his friend John met us and we all had a great dinner catching up. Amazing that I had not seen Joel in over 9 months and we just live one island away from each other!
Day Two
Dad dropped us at the airport for our morning flight to Japan and once we made the transfer we made it to Bali 18 hours later at 10pm Bali time. My good friend Bang was home so I stopped in and had a beer and then hit the sack!
Day Three
Got up kind of early considering the time difference and went down and checked the surf. It was going off with 5’ sets right out front at middle lefts kuta reef. Jesse, Bang, Brooky and I surfed for over 4 hour with a light crowed (around 10 to 15 guys) and had a great time. Perfect way for Jesse to get into Indo surf shape! Bang made us dinner and we watched rugby!!!!
Day Four
Got all our gear unpacked and organized. Being that I leave all my boards in Bali along with three big plastic tubs of “shit” it is always exciting to see what I really have! I rented a motor bike for Jesse and got mine out of the storage room and cleaned up as well. Surfed Kuta reef but the swell had really dropped so I only stayed out an hour or so but Jesse surfed most of the day. I got some work done and went food shopping. Had an easy night just watched a movie?
Day Five
Got up early and hired a car, Putu was the driver, and headed to Balian with brooky and Jesse. Two hour drive but it was the only chance for a surf as the waves had dropped off some more. Jesse surfed for a few hours but it was a crappy 2 foot with 25 guys out.
Brooky and I just had a nice breakfast and read our books by the pool – hahaha what a life.
We stopped at Tana Laut temple on the way back to Kuta – it is an incredible oceanfront temple with two surf spots right out front.
There were 3 guys out and it looked better than Balian had been to me. Got back to Kuta and cleaned up then headed out to Jimbaran beach for a beach side seafood bbq at the Bamboo restaurant.
Had a great time with Davo from Kulengata and his new wife Nora, Pete from Margret’s, Bang and Narti, Sandra, Jesse and I – what fun and great food! We planned out trip to Sumbawa as we heard that a new swell was on its way.
Day Six
Spend the day organizing our trip to Sumbawa – buying mosquito nets, plane tickets and packing what we would need to take with us. We needed to travel light but had to have enough stuff as we had no idea how long we would be there. Bringing the right gear is critical as there is no place to buy anything once we get there. Went to the beach and watched the sunset with Brooky, Harpo and Cory (all good Aussi boys) Jesse and I. We all went out to dinner in Padma for sushi and then ended up at an Aussi bar listening to an indo band playing all “Angels” songs – Angels is a classic Aussi band that is very famous – supper hard rock in the AC/DC genera – their famous song is “fuck you – you fucking fucking bitch” true Aussie!!
Day Seven
Left for the airport at 6:30 am and in typical indo fashion the plane was delayed until 10:30 – welcome to indo air travel. Got the rent a car in Matava Lombok – the crew was Davo, Nora, Pete, Jesse and I along with 10 surf boards and all our crap – hahaha full car. We met up with Tyson (TK) and Daniel, they had a car and were heading to Sumbawa as well and being that they new the way they suggested we follow them. Easier said than done as Tyson is a nuts driver and Davo had a very hard time keeping up with him. We made it to the ferry in about two hours then across the channel to Sumbawa – three hours later we pulled into the sunset view hotel – I say hotel loosely as it has four rooms. It was right at sunset and the surf was small so we just had dinner and all went to bed by 8pm.
Day Eight
Surf came up!!! Davo and the boys drove to Yoyo’s to check it out there (about an hour away) and Jesse, the inn keeper and I surfed out front for over 6 hours – we got dropped off by then indo boat driver Billabong and told him to come back in a few hours
– I guess that is a very loose term in Indo – hahahahaha – at least the surf was good – solid 3 to 5 foot and really fun. When we finally made it back we were all so sun burnt and tired we just hung out the rest of the afternoon and watched rugby – state of origin – really big game in Australia on TV. Lee (the dirty inn keeper) is a real sports fan so he has satellite TV which is incredible being that we are in the middle of no where. It was Queensland vs. new south Wales.
Day Nine
Surfed out front solid 5’ scar reef – got some great long tube rides!!!! Jesse surfed the middle left 3 to 4 foot with just a few of the local kids out and had a great time also – he said scars looked a bit to heavy for him. In the afternoon we surfed a misto spot for about 4 hours and got a total of over 6 hours in the water for the second day in a row – Drove into Maluk for a late lunch of BBQ chicken with lots of chili and watched super sucks for a while – it was 3’ with about 20 guys out. Did not look like all that to me. Jesse is really sun burnt but happy! Had a squid (chumy chummy) dinner Sumbawa style!!! A full car load of guys showed up late that night for the expected big swell – leading the group was Nick (chunga) from New Zealand – very good surfer that I knew from G-land.
Day Ten
Waves came up some more with some solid 6’+ sets – went out at first light and snapped my 6’8” quad on my 3ed wave. It was a hell barrel – supper long and deep and all the boys saw it – it closed out on me at the elbow – went in and got my 6’3” and went back out.
We dropped Jesse at the middle left and it looked really good as well. We surfed for 4 hours then went in and had lunch in the village (Doa) of traditional chicken, beef, rice and waster crest – of course with lots of home made sambal chili – very hot! Had a nap then Jesse and I surfed the middle left until dark – really fun 3 to 4 foot and tubing perfect. Early night – in bed by 8pm.
Day Eleven
Got up early as we could hear the surf pounding all night – 5 of us on the beach at first light – low tide (not so good for a place called scar reef!) and 5’ going off – Daniel had broken a board the day before and broke a second one that morning – he was now down to one board. Surf started to drop as the tide came in so Jesse, Jono, Lee and I went and surfed the misto spot after lunch – well it was still huge down there with some 6 to 7’ sets – Jesse and I got caught inside right off the bat – it landed right on our heads and worked us to the max (when I say the size of the waves I am talking Hawaiian scale – the face is twice the size) so with 12 to 14 foot faced waves tubing top to bottom landing on our heads it got a little heavy after the 4th wave. We had just a bit of panic in the water as we kept diving under these monsters (you know who I am talking about – Jesse hehehe) My 6’3’ buckled on the last wave so the surf session was over for me and I am now down to one board – my 6’11”!!!! we went back to the middle left and Jesse surfed there and I went in and got Davo and my last board and we surfed scar reef for a few hours but it was a bit to off shore and the face of the waves had a big bump on them – a bit dangerous. Jesse surfed until dark. That night our group were the only ones left as all the other boys took off for the 12 hour trip back to bali.
Day Twelve
Lee and I went down and surfed the misto spot early in the morning and I road davo’s 5’10” five fin epoxy board made by Gunter Roan – a great Aussi shaper and good friend of mine. Surf was about 3 to 4’ and just perfect tubes – surfed for 4 hours. We all went for a drive into Maluk (the big town) to use the internet – the cell phone is very spotty at the hotel and I was getting all my work done standing on the beach and not moving or I would loose the signal – for the most part the cell signal in Indonesia is better than in Hawaii but there are always issues!! – I got a bunch of important work done then we drove out to an area called Tropical’s. There is a very nice resort way out in the middle of no place that caters to the ex pats that work in the gold mine in Maluk – it is one of the largest gold mines in Indonesia and according to Mathew a minor we met at the bar produces over 6000 oz of gold per day + a shit load of copper. This resort is empty from may to November as it is used for the minor’s family coming for holidays during the summer months (for the southern hemisphere) of December to March). There is a great left right out front but it was a bit on shore. Mathew told us how the local indos in the area are very well paid and you can tell by the quality of the homes and the abundance of new motor bikes – they employ over 3000 workers. Brooky and Sandra showed up that night at the hotel and brought me my other 6’3” from bali so now I am back to having two boards!
Day Thirteen
Got up and surf was small so we went and surfed the misto spot with brooky, lee, Jesse and I – it was going off solid 4’ and I got to see Brooky get a full stand up barrel on a set – shit he is surfing well for an old guy (hahaha same age as me!) We surfed 4 hours in the morning and then 2 more hours in the afternoon – came up a bit with a few 5’ + waves. Really fun off shore – I road davo’s 5’10” and was just killing it! Had a game of chess with Jesse (At this point Davo was the chess champion but that was not to last!). Had an early night as I was cooked but happy – I caught over 50 waves that day (yes I count my waves) and Jesse was catching 3 waves to every one that I caught so I know he is fried- oh to be 16 and have the arms to catch that many waves!!!!!
Packed up our things and said good bye to the “dirty inn keeper” Lee along with all the staff. Brooky decided to stick around for a while and hope to catch the next swell that was on its way. Took us most of the day with me driving – and just a few wrong turns – to make it back to Lombok then out to Singigi beach area. We stayed at the Santosa Hotel – very nice – and had a gourmet dinner at the Square restaurant – Jesse beat Davo at chess that night (Davo blamed it on the wine!) so we have a new champion!!!!!!
Day Fifteen
Had Breakfast buffet then loaded up our gear out to Bonko Bonko “desert point”. We dropped out gear at the Inn Deep hotel (hahaha I say this loosely as it has only 4 rooms) and then headed to Deserts. The surf was 4 to 5” and perfect long ass tubes – It had a bit of a crowed on it but I know most of the boys that live there 6 months a year – Chris, Pablo, Figs, Tony and the rest so it was all good. Had a few beers then an early night – Jesse did not surf – I think it was just to heavy and overwhelming for him – it is a heavy spot!
Day Sixteen
Got up at 5:30 after a very very hot night – the power kept going off and on all night so with no fan it was a sweaty mess. Got the beach and it was pumping with some 6’ sets – surfed for a few hours with a really bad rip but some killer waves then the tide got too high. We hung out waiting for the tide and when it turned the surf just got epic – 5’ and crazy – surfed a few more hours then drove back and got our gear and headed back to Matava – Davo was flying home the next day so we really had no choice – we raced to catch our flight only to find out it had been delayed due to a military plane crash in bali – no one hurt but they lost two 10 million dollar jets – we finally got back to bali about 8pm then had some dinner and to bed.
Day Seventeen
We got up early and headed off to East Bali for some white water rafting – I had never done it in bali and it sounded like fun – and it was!!! It was a full day with the two hour drives each way and then 3 hours on the river but well worth it!. Just a real blast – there where about 10 rafts leaving at the same time as our raft and Jesse turned out to be the splash king (splashing all the other guys in other rafts when the river was slow) Hahaha – what fun! Got back to Kuta and dropped off my 3 boards to be put back together – found that Gunter Roan had come into town (the shaper that makes all Davos boards) so we all went out to dinner to a new Italian restaurant that Bang new of – the owner Nicolai buffed us out to the max. It was fun catching up with old friends and introducing Jesse to all of my nuts friends (even if our average age is 50+) I decided to buy the 5’10 – five fin from Davo as I had buckled my 6’0” at Ulu’s earlier in the season before Jesse came down. Davo was flying out at midnight and had a hart to hart talk with Jesse about growing up and how proud he was of him and then gave him the chess board “we have a new champion”!!!
Day Eighteen
Did some work then we road the motor bikes to Uluwatu and surfed for a few hours with 70 of our best friend’s hahahaha – surf was about 5’ and fun. We saw Big Dog on the cliff (the guy that we went fishing with last year) and made a plan to hook up with him later and have a nice bottle of red wine that I had brought from home with me. We went out to the Uluwatu monkey temple and watched the monkeys go crazy and steel the glasses right off a woman’s face! Got back to Kuta and picked up our laundry that we had dropped off the day before – down to zero clean cloths. Big Dog called and said he was not feeling well so Jesse and I went to the G-land office to see when the next trip was heading into camp.
Turned out it was leaving the next morning so we raced home and packed up all our gear for the next adventure of our trip G-LAND BABY!!!! The report was that it was going to be small the next few days so we figured there was no better place to be than g-land as it is over head when it is flat! I packed the 5’10”, my last 6’3” and the 6’11” just in case! Jesse and I went to Fukutaros for a sushi dinner and it was raining when we walked home.
Day Nineteen
Got up at 5am and it had pored rain all night and the roads were all flooded – I walked down to the Circle K for a coffee and you would not believe the action on the streets of Kuta at 5am. Drunks and hookers all looking for the last bit of action of the night!!! Glad that I was not one or with one of them!!! The boys did not pick us up until 6:30 – they said it was because of the rain. And then we waited on the beach until 8am. Once the boat finally left we made good time to g-land and were in camp having breakfast by 10am. We went surfing for 3 hours and it was Jesses first time surfing the reef – last year when we went he only surfed 20/20’s and Tigers – so it was a really big deal for him. He was so stoked – he caught a bunch of waves. We hooked up with Jungle Jim one of my oldest friends from Aussie and played some chess then had an early night.
Day Twenty
Small surf but we went out for 4.5 hours and Jesse was surfing really well – lots of fun. We met up with Kiki on the beach (indo guy that is our good friend that lives in the jungle at Gland). Jesse played a game of chess with him and kiki said “I’ll win you in 50 moves” After 3 minutes he said “hahaha I think I can win you in 5 more moves” Many Indonesians are really good chess players so you have better be on your game before you ask one for a game!!! We had a few beers and dinner then a nice chat with Dr. Larry from Oahu – very nice man that has been coming to Gland for over 20 years. Jungle Jim told me that this was his 25th year anniversary at Gland – wow just think of all the waves he has caught!
Day Twenty One
Did some work in the morning and finished my 4th book of my trip. I started my son’s Ryan’s favorite book “Dune” by Frank Hurbert – not much of a si fi reader but will give it a shot. Surf about the same as yesterday – perfect tides – if we had some swell it would be all time. Jesse is saying that he is ready for some more size as well. Dave Thomas is being trained by John Heppler to take over the photo biz at Gland. Dave said that he would come out today and get some water shots of Jesse! I have know Dave for about 10 years and am really happy that he is doing this – he is not only an incredible surfer but also a very nice man – living full time in Indo can be hard for a young guy some times but Dave has found his nitch I hope and with his new wife and baby is really growing into a great man.
Day Twenty Two
Surf came up! 5 to 6’ and a great direction. Surfed out front for 5 hours on my 6’11” – a bit too much board but fun. Jesse and Nick (Aussi kid) went to Tiger tracks and said that there where some fun head high waves and good tube rides! Early night as the swell is sticking around so I want to be ready.
Day Twenty Three
Best day at Gland in a year for me! Lots of tubes and just a perfect solid 5’ day. Surfed my 6’3” AND LOVED IT – Loads of fun. Jesse and Nick went back to Tigers. Played music with Jungle Jim and Mark from OZ and Kevin on the digery doo – very cool.
Day Twenty Four
Still some 4’ waves out front having surfed 5+ hours every day for the past 5 days I am feeling it for sure – wind just came up so I am going to get ready and hit it! Got some great waves at the fang and down the reef on my 6’3” AND SURFED FOR 4 HOURS! Played music after dinner with the boys and packed up our gear for the trip back to bali in the morning.
Jesse stills not much of a packer – that’s what dads are for I guess – oh ya to pay the bill as will hahahaha.
Day Twenty Five
Typical travel day – said good by to all the boys and the staff in Gland (and tipped out every one as well) then did the hurry up and wait game for the boat – on the way out to the big boat Blackie hit a wave just perfect in the channel and it soaked us all down good – killed my phone and it was the last straw for my camera – oh well they where both a few years old and had some issues any way. At least my lap top survived, this time. Got back to Bali about 1:30 did some shopping and got a new phone and Sony handy cam – nice little camera but I could have got it much cheaper at home for sure. Had a great dinner at the Bamboo in Jimbaram beach with Bang, Narti, Jim, Big Dog, Burky, Anne, Backy, Stacie, Jesse, Sandra, Roger Kinkaid and his wife and two kids as well as Doris and his wife – wow what a gang – I cant believe that I can remember all of them!! Great fish and shrimp and squid – soooooooooo Good
Day Twenty Six
Jesse surfed kuta reef and I had the laundry done and did some shopping. Also picked up my three boards that I had dropped off to be fixed. Aki at Nikokis surf shop did a great job – all three for $80 – what a deal. Spent hours trying to get all my contact numbers out of my old phone. Bang made BBQ chicken for dinner and we played music with Edo and Jim – Also drank a nice bottle of red with Big dog.
Day Twenty Seven
Made the plan to go back to Sumbawa – big swell on the way – got all packed up and bought Jesse some new top of the line surf trunks – the cost of anything surf related in Bali if they are name brands is much more expensive than Maui – bring your gear for sure!
Day Twenty Eight
Travel day – met Edo and Luna at the airport and flew off to Lombok – got the car and drove to the ferry – only a few wrong turns hahahaha – made it to scars by 5 pm – surf was small and on shore – few beers and early night.
Day Twenty Nine
It is now 6am and surf is flat – it is starting to hit me that my Indo season is almost over! Even though I have been working every morning for a few hours – with the quality and quantity of surf it is always such a good time and it makes it even better that I can spend this time with my son Jesse. I think his surfing has improved and that he has really grown up some – having to deal with all the characters and I know – Jesse has handled better than most and I am very very proud of him. He is my champion! I think we will just jump in the car and go for a look around at the other places to stay and surf spots. We got to tropical’s and it was perfect 3’ with one guy out. We surfed for 4 hours and made the choice to stay in a room near the surf. Had a nice dinner and the room was nice as well. We had left Edo and Luna at scars but they would just have to figure it out – hahaha.
Day Thirty
Got up early and surfed for 4 hours – same as day before – soooooo fun. Road the 5’10” five fin that I bought from Davo – it is just the perfect board for these little waves. Jesse and I had an air contest – not sure I got any but I know I came dam close! Called Edo and Luna and they said that they would like to join us so after the surf we drove back to Scars and picked to pick them up. The road was being worked on so we had lunch in Doa.
On the way back to Tropical’s we stopped and got some sate Kambing – goat kabobs – hehehe very good. Surfed at sunset then early night.
Day Thirty One
Got up early and surfed almost 5 hours – a bit smaller but still lots of fun. Been working every morning as the internet and phones work great hear. Got some nice surf video and then pizza at the Yoyo’s Hotel.
Day Thirty Two
Surf came up some and we surfed 4 hours – really fun – wind came up and we decided to head back to Lombok. I was talking to some guys that work at the mines and they said that with the big wind and swell coming in tomorrow the ferry could be a bit dangerous and we had to be in bali tomorrow night for our flight home in a few days.
We drove to Scars and said goodbye to Lee and the staff – packed all the gear that we had left there and got on the road – stopped by a few mosques to pee on the way and made it to Singigi beach hotel at about 7pm. Had a great dinner at the Box with Ed, Luna, Jesse, Sandra and I and a nice bottle of red wine – it was all good.
Day Thirty Three
Surf came up and we all surfed Singigi left 4 to 5’ but all over the place – saw Jesse get a smoking wave! Bought some nice Lombok pearls and blankets then packed up our stuff and said good bye to Ed and Luna – they are staying in Kuta Lombok for the next few weeks.
It was really fun hanging out with them.
Flew back to bali and Bang was having a few friends over for dinner so we got to hang out with Spock and Hooky – good Aussi friends – very good time for sure.
Thirty Four
Did some last day shopping and cleaned up the room – sad to think that the season is over but with all the good times and memories it feels right. Had Japanese for dinner then said good bye to the staff and headed to the airport for our 1am flight.
Day Thirty Five
Had a 12 hour layover in Osaka Japan – I used to dread this layover until I found the “sleeping rooms” Jesse and I had some food then checked into the rooms and had a nap then went on the internet and sat in the message chair for a few hours – by the time we go on the plane to Honolulu we were fully rested and ready to go. Got home at 10am the next day and was happy to be back home for sure.
Wow what a great trip! We really did it all and it really was a “TRIP OF A LIFE TIME” Until next year of course!!!!!!!!
Just A Side Note
Once back on Maui we took off three days later to meet up with my older son Ryan in Chicago – we had front row seats at Iron Maiden and Ryan caught the drum stick at the end of the concert – we then went to Northern Michigan and did some sailing and wake boarding as well as drove to the upper peninsula and saw 3 doors down and Meat Loaf – great concerts!
Ryan and I drove up just the two of us so it was a great few weeks hanging out with him and seeing the Mackinaw bridge and then seeing Marquette city – life is good! We are now all back on Maui and the kids are in school and I am back to work full time – the market is a bit slow “see my blog” but over all life is good. Had a great south swell in Lahaina last week (late August) and I surfed 5 days in a row with Jesse – what fun.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about my summer and I would love to hear about yours. I know many of you reading this have known me for years so don’t be shy tell me what is going on in your life.
Buz ~ Your Surfing Realtor